It has been said time and again that your e-mail list is your greatest asset. The ability to constantly reach your customers with new offers or continue to expose them to your original offer until they buy can be invaluable. Having pre-written emails ready to go once a customer provides you their email is the first step in creating a passive business. Also, being able to automatically send a certain email based on what action a potential customer makes it even more powerful. This is where an email responder comes in. There are several companies available that provide such a service but only a few are friendly to affiliate marketers.
The two companies I have personally used and recommend are GetResponse and Aweber. GetResponse is the platform I currently use. They are affordable (at around 15 a month) and compatible with the sales funnel software I use, called Click Funnels. Aweber is also an excellent choice. The one downside to Aweber is they require a double opt it by the customer. In other words the customer is asked twice if they would like to receive your emails. Both platforms allow you to create emails and send them automatically based on the customers interactions or based on time passed. As your email list grows as an affiliate marketer an email responder is a must have.
Get Response offers free trial HERE
Free Aweber trial HERE
Now go forth and crush it!
R.C. Wiles